Duo BFB Hoop Diving - Circus Acts - CircusTalk

Duo BFB Hoop Diving

Canada since 2016
  • 2
  • 6 hr 30 min

Photos and Videos

Cast List


Duo BFB started in their first year at École Nationale de Cirque and have worked together for the past four years.  Quentin and Evan have found a complementary balance between compelling physicality and intellectual curiosity that has allowed them to work harmoniously in creation. Using different styles of movement, such as break dance, jiu jitsu, and wrestling, among others, Duo BFB is always searching for new ways to challenge their technical skills in order to augment their dramaturgy on stage.


    • Duo BFB Hoop Diving Added new media files.
      DUO BFB - CHINESE HOOP DIVING (Montreal Edition)