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"Now you see" is a performance-based act of freedom, for the eyes of all, non-exclusive and inviting.

The act is performed and co-created by the second-year Bachelor Circus students at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), and directed by Aedín Walsh.

Live-streamed at SKH's website

Teaser on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/527749464

25 March at 19:30

26 March at 19:30

27 March at 18:30 

- Marie Binda -  Russian Cradle flyer
- Marula Lu Bröckerhoff - Dance Acrobatics
- Justin Collas - Dance Acrobatics
- Elisa Bitschnau - Static Trapeze
- Ole Dampe - Russian Cradle base
- Clemence De Felice - Dance Acrobatics
- Quentin Dubot - Pole
- Thomas Grahndin Jensen - Juggler
- Robyn Haefeli - Roue Cyr
- Håkon Hemmer - Tightwire
- Sébastien Klink - Trapeze base
- Domenyk La Terra - Juggler
- Matthes Speidel - Juggler
- Morgane Staeheli - Trapeze flyer
- Isak Stockås - Roue Cyr


Director, music and light design: Aedín Walsh
Technician: Tom Richmond
Live Stream: Jonathan Morell
Rigger: Johan Bodin
Photos: Einar Kling Odencrants
Producer: Mette Klouman

Circus studies and presentations at SKH during Covid-19:

As with so many things, the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly influenced the kind of choices available for SKH’s Circus Department.

We are grateful for Aedin Walsh’s creativity in developing a live-streamed production with our 15 second-year Bachelor's students. Aedin’s approach and ingenuity allow the students to experience creation and performance while following the Covid guidelines for SKH.

Although perhaps not the creative constraint desired, it is a creative constraint Aedin has embraced. We also want to extend appreciation to the collaborative production team, a problem-solving group without whom this project would be impossible.

A note on ‘bubbles’: In discussion with the students and staff of the Circus Department and SKH administration, the Circus Department has created student ‘bubbles’ to reduce and prevent transmission of illness.

The 15 Bachelor's students are voluntarily in the same bubble – many of the students are in disciplinary partnerships and live in the same apartments. These students are separated by time, space, and hygiene procedures from other students at SKH. Throughout the training, creation and performance, clear cleaning, distancing, and, where appropriate, masking procedures have been followed.

       /Alisan Funk, Head teacher, and the rest of the SKH Circus Department 


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