Megan Gill - CircusTalk

Circus News

Megan Gill
Megan hails from the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. She is a musician, singer/songwriter with a vast technical theatre background and can be called a rockstar of the creative world. Boasting a holistic understanding of multiple Creative Arts spanning a roughly 16 year career, while being an activist who is passionate about the empowerment of girls, womexn and the LGBTQ+ community, Megan exists at the intersection of the Creative and Cultural Industries and social change. She considers herself a citizen of the planet, having traveled considerably during her career, and is energized by her chosen family and professional networks that span the globe. Megan holds a Certificate in Digital Media Studies with a focus in Music Technology, BFA in Performing Arts with a focus in Theater Design and Production, a Master in Arts and Culture Management (hons) and has a vocation for coaching creatives. Megan also loves writing music, gigging, connecting with people of all cultures and prioritizes having the ocean waves underscore her daily life.